PMI Brand
At the core of the PMI business model, we believe that Plan Sponsors and their appointed Trustees must retain ownership of their respective pension plans. PMI does not take any assets (money) from Clients under its name but establishes all pension plans and private wealth management accounts in the name of the pension plan or Client, with only the Trustees or owner as authorized signatories. It is PMI’s position that if you design, consult, manage, and administer pension plans and also possess signing authority and hold the assets, it is a clear conflict. Clients should not have to change their pension plans because they change their service provider.

PMI Purpose
Companies are increasingly looking for ways to increase the effective and efficient management of their pension plans. Establishing a delicate balance between contributions and benefits must involve a constructive approach. This approach should encompass a sound governance structure and an effective management and administration platform.
Most employed persons live a long time in retirement, many of these without generating income post-employment. Therefore, for many of these employed persons, a retirement benefit will provide a substantial portion, if not all, of the funds they will have to support their lifestyles during retirement.
Therefore, without proper retirement planning, employees can be faced with a significant cut in their income at retirement, requiring dramatic changes to the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed. It is within this mindset that we have focused as our core competence in assisting fiduciaries; our distinct ability to assist in the preparation and execution of policies and guidelines by ensuring that the management of the assets of these pension plans is in so keeping with the obligation (benefits) promised.
PMI Difference
PMI does not support a “cookie-cutter” approach as every pension plan will have different terms and conditions that aims to complement the operational efficiencies of the Plan Sponsor. PMI’s approach is an interactive one where we must appreciate and evaluate the synergies between the Plan Sponsor and its employees, in concert, before proceeding to propose suggested policies and guidelines. It is PMI’s conviction that the process of formulating, evaluating, managing, and administering Pension Plans must entail an interactive approach between the Fiduciaries and the respective Service Providers. Our aim is to provide assistance in the structuring of pension plans’ corporate governance structure and service Clients that already have a system in place for their employees and / or those that would like to commence the establishment of such a system.

our companies
Pension Management Interactive, Inc. was established in 2009 to focus on redefining the way pension plans and other social protection systems are structured and well managed. PMI Capital Services, Inc. was established as a licensed entity to support the growth of the PMI brand and offer our Clients the credibility and transparency that is endorsed by the licensing requirements.
PMI Group, Inc., Pension Management Interactive, Inc., and PMI Capital Services, Inc., are collectively referred to as PMI.

PMI Group, Inc.
PMI Group, Inc. was incorporated in 2018 as part of the growth strategy of the firm. Currently, PMI Group, Inc. is the parent company of Pension Management Interactive, Inc. and PMI Capital Services, Inc., and will be the holding company as the PMI brand continues to grow and expand our services.
Pension Management Interactive, Inc.
Pension Management Interactive, Inc. focuses on the consultancy, specializing in collaborating with Clients to develop and implement a customized pension solution that compliments the operational efficiencies of the organization. This includes the development of a formal corporate governance structure for the pension plan.
Pension Management Interactive, Inc. is a registered BVI Business Company.

PMI Capital Services, Inc.
PMI Capital Services, Inc. or PMICAP focuses on the management and administration of formal pension plans and private wealth management accounts.
Management services include the provision of overall supervision of all aspects of a pension plan and the active management of other investment advisory services. PMICAP facilitates the relationships between Plan Sponsor, Trustees, Members, Beneficiaries, Investment Services Providers, and Regulators. PMICAP reviews and develops procedures for the Investment Service Providers to ensure their compliance with the Plan Rules, regulatory requirements, and international best practices.
Administration services include the execution of compliance of day-to-day activities with the governance framework associated with each Client. PMICAP reports directly to the Plans’ Sponsors, Trustees, members, and Beneficiaries regarding their retirement benefits in order to provide complete confidence, understanding, and transparency. It is our conviction there must be consistent and concise circulation of information between all the parties involved.
PMICAP offers a variety of reporting options to facilitate the Clients’ needs.
PMI Capital Services, Inc. is a registered BVI Business Company and is licensed by the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission under the Securities and Investment Business Act (“SIBA”) to provide the following services:
Category 2: Arranging Deals in Investments
Category 3: Managing Investments
– Sub-category C: Managing Pension Schemes
Category 4: Investment Advice
– Sub-category A: Investment Advice (Excluding Mutual Funds)
Category 6: Administration of Investments
– Sub-category A: Administration of Investments (Excluding Mutual Funds)”